Welcome to suburbia

I've finally plucked up the courage to set-up an online blog. I'm going to endeavour to blog as often as possible to share my thoughts, to share some articles and news i find interesting, and also use it for my private reflections (you guys won't get to see that!). Also i hope people will read and comment on some of my posts.

The spur for deciding to set-up a blog has been my studies through the Open University. They encourage learning and reflection, and collaborating with others.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Why Does Criticism Seem More Effective than Praise?

Praise don't put down in coaching. It really works, don't take it from me!

Why Does Criticism Seem More Effective than Praise? - http://blogs.hbr.org/hill-lineback/2011/04/why-does-criticism-seem-more-e.html

Strange this should appear on HBR on the same day i had a conversation around the value of constructive feedback! Person A was trying to improve the culture of the unit they were consulting in by using a ratio of 5 positive pieces of feedback to every one "developmental" piece. This was and still is proving particularly challenging as the area is full of analysts who thrive on picking holes in other people's work!

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